Barely into the first quarter of 2020, Malaysia has finally come to a halt. Whilst Malaysian people are still reeling from the calamity left behind by the 1MDB fiasco, the tide somewhat turned again when politicians once more undermined the very people who elected a legitimate government on May 10, 2018, by turning against their democratic voices. And at the corner, Covid-19 comes along to test our faith. How much more can we be resilient in these trying times?
Fortunately, we can. We must. And we will.
As some of us remain calm at home under a Movement Control Order between March 18 and April 14, 2020, we also take this respite to exercise, eat healthy and discern the right kind of news to keep ourselves updated.
As for a corporate entity, what should its organization do?
If an organization’s business continuity plan is not already in place, then the leadership had better develop one now. In this day and age, there are more than plenty resources that any organization can learn from to tune to its scope of business. To not do this, an organization will be susceptible once more to any force majeure the magnitude of the Covid-19 pandemic, and this time will finally `rest in peace’.
Even for an organization that seems to have a mature business continuity plan, it must take the liberty to review and assess their assumptions on its risks. Likewise, policies and procedures that were developed from identifying those risks, must be reviewed and updated.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a cautionary tale and so will be Artificial Intelligence, or the collapse of the European Union. If we could learn anything from today, things are moving much more fluidly, do not let your employees down but prepare them more than adequately.
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